Psycho-Pass: A Dark and Thrilling Dystopian Masterpiece Review
Psycho-Pass is a gripping and thought-provoking anime series that has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide. Created by writer Gen Urobuchi, this cyberpunk dystopia explores themes of crime, morality, and individuality in a futuristic society where one's mental state is monitored and judged.
The Top 10 Dystopian Manga
Dystopian manga brings us captivating stories that explore frightening visions of the future, forcing us to question the paths we tread. From oppressive regimes to desolate wastelands and machines we can't control, these manga reflect our anxieties and urge us to ponder the unknown. What if the future would be like this?
Why is Blame! manga so good?
This mind-bending manga takes us to a world where technology meets mystery, weaving a future that's equal parts thrilling and mysterious. It's a super successful manga because it does something few others achieve: telling a story mostly through its art. Even with little talking, this manga keeps me hooked and totally into the story. It's like a visual adventure that's totally amazing!